So the site has been down for just over a year. Maybe not quite with the message shown in the image, but still not viewable. I won’t get into the technical details, but it has been quite frustrating trying to get this fixed. The web hosting company could not assist. A web developer (colleague) was going to look, but never managed to find the time. There were instances in the past year, it was questioned, should I bother even continuing. Looking back I had only created seven course reviews in seven years, so it was a legitimate question.
It was only after a friend asked about the site a week ago, that I decided to have one more crack at fixing it. Dr Google did get a thorough investigation and finally the problem was identified. Now we are back on track and have a lot of catching up to do. My Google rankings have all but disappeared. Back to the drawing board there.
Anyway, there is a lot to try and cover over the next few months. In particular some of the trips made last year, including King Island and the UK. Not to mention some discussion on the latest Top 100 lists in Australia.
Thank you for those returning and in particular, information on Google.