I hope you have all had a great festive season, not waking today with too much of a hangover, but enjoy a Happy New Year 2017. For myself, it was a return to my spiritual home of Sydney to enjoy the festivities. You can’t beat Sydney for a New Years Eve spectacular. If you haven’t done this yet, put it on your bucket list.
With another year passing on the Top 100 Golf Quest, another begins. This should be the biggest so far, seeing a conclusion to playing the 2016 Australian Top 100 Golf list, by Golf Digest Australia. With only three states/territories completed, this will be a hectic year. Admittedly there is only nine courses to go, but there will be trips to Queensland, South Australia, multiple to NSW and lastly Tasmania, where I hope to complete the list at Cape Wickham.
What you can expect on the Sydney Harbour Bridge during New Years Eve
So I hope you all have a happy and safe New Year during 2017. Lets get the golfing started.